Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sablé Sanity

After macaroon madness, what you do with all those yolks!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chicken tagine

This is using The Guardian's "How to cook the perfect recipe.." with our own preserved lemons using the Ottolenghi recipe, ended up with a bit of a thin sauce so removed the chicken and reduced, also used a nearly 2kg chicken that I cut into pieces rather than thighs and multiplied all the quantities by 1.5

Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scallop Ceviche, Diots and Lentils and Madeleines

Tried a ceviche with a mixture of recipes, there were a lot of scallops not quite as overwhelmed with salad as the picture suggests...

The sausages (diots) are really substantial we had half smoked and half "nature"...

The madeleines are unbeatable straight from the oven...lovely

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup, Fish Salad, Braised Veal and Chocolatey Mandarin Cake

Some interesting recipes here relying heavily on Ottolenghi and an old cutting from the Independent featuring Simon Hopkinson,
The soup is nice but in a big meal a small portion is sufficient.

The fish salad is a variation on an Ottolenghi recipe from the Guardian.

The braised veal was tripled compared to the printed version and I cooked it longer and more gently and then removed the meat from the pan to reduce the sauce to achieve the correct degree of unctuousness, I also added less cream.

The cake is another Ottolenghi triumph and the chocolate topping works really well.